About Us

Unmatched technology. Trusted service. Empathetic care.

A diverse group of Best Buy employees.

We're Best Buy Health

Technology is almost always present in our daily lives — making things a little more convenient, keeping us connected. Today’s consumers want to receive healthcare in their own homes, and providers are rapidly looking for ways to incorporate digital tools and services into the healthcare space, improving outcomes and experiences. That’s where Best Buy Health comes in.

Our Solutions

Our Goal

Enable care

at home

for everyone.

Our company

Three business professionals sit on stage and chat in front of an audience.


A wealth of healthcare experience.

Our leaders bring years in healthcare and total commitment to the job every day, empowering people to lead healthier lives from the comfort and convenience of home.

Leadership Team
The Best Buy logo on the front of a Best Buy store.  “Best Buy” is in large white text with a yellow tag next to it.

News & Insights

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From media mentions to relevant data-driven insights, read the latest on Best Buy Health in the news.

News & Insights
A Best Buy Health agent sits at a computer and talks into his headset.


Do meaningful work with us.

Today, over a million people are using Best Buy Health technology. When you join Best Buy Health, you have an opportunity to do something that matters.

Explore Careers

Let's do this together.

Helping people stay healthy is challenging. We’re here to do it with you.